Ministry Stewardship Tools*

The Initial Risk Management Study:

Our engagement with our clients starts with a quality foundation developed by a comprehensive risk management study of all ministry aspects and elements so as to review the frequency and severity for each discovered risk factor. This study includes an on site inspection and review of your ministry property, staff, programs, and any written procedures or other written materials related to your ministry operations.  There is also a discussion with your ministry leaders about the ministry's history, its present aspects and area of ministry and future goals so as to collect all relevent information of your ministry that may have any berring on its risk factors.  This Initial Risk Management Study provides the necessary support and coaching that will follow if desired for the effective application of each stewardship tool, risk management, written safeguards/procedures, disaster recovery plans, ministry financing and planning, and effective matching of insurance benefits to your risk factors.  Ministry areas may include, employee and volunteer management, financial management, data management, property management, transportation management, children's ministry management, and adult ministry management elements, all of which may or may not be present in your ministry.    

1.  Risk Management:

The ongoing study of your ministry risk factors of each ministry area to discover and review their possible frequency and severity.  This allows for the effective development and implementation of the best techniques to manage them.  It is critical that the ministry risk manager monitor each technique for its effectiveness and modify them as needed. The key elements that can measure ministries effectiveness of their risk management, is the annual completion of The Risk Management Report Card and the resulting fewer claims.

2.  Safeguards/procedures:

The written procedures effectively tailored to your ministry risk factors for each ministry area as realized from the risk management study, and which are also practiced. It is critical that you write your own safeguards/procedures so that they are able to become part of your ministry core values. What may meet the need of one ministry may not meet your needs.  The risk factors from one minsitry to another can differ greatly. The written safeguards/procedures must be aspects of risk management that your minsitry is willing to follow or it is a waist of your time developmenting them.

3.  Disaster Recovery Plans: 

The written plans for each ministry area that will minimize the possible impact of the elements of a disaster as realized from the risk management ministry study.

4.  Insurance Benefits:

Tailored financial benefits that can assist with the possible financial recovery from the potential risk factor lossesn of each ministry area as realized from the risk management study. Insurance, without the foundation of a quality comprehensive risk, and disaster study which deals with each realized risk factor is really a disaster in waiting for your staff and those of your community of faith.  Would you think it unwise to never take the time to check your auto brakes and feel justified with this decision because you have auto insurance. Healthy life choices as are checking your auto brakes, are the risk mangement safeguards you choose to put in place in your life, to lesson the risk of the premature loss of your life.  Ministry insurance is like life insurance which can not stop you from dying, but can assist with the possible financial aftermath of your death. 

The investment of time, energy, and resources for the application of the above four tools into your ministry can yield a possible bountiful return of increased attendance and financial growth from the hard work of a growing qualified staff.  

These main seven ministry areas may be included in your ministry, with some more then others.  We realize one size does not fit all ministries, which is why we believe the initial risk management study to be so critical for the development of the proper approach and application of each tool to the various areas of your ministry. 

    1. Employees and volunteers 
    2. Children's ministry
    3. Adult ministry
    4. Property management
    5. Transportation management
    6. Data management
    7. Financial management  

Some ministries may include others such as pre-schools, academies, college, camps, retreats, retirement homes and others for which the same tools though modified some to better meet their specific risk factors can also yield a good return.  

* Our Ministry Tool Kit is designed to assist your ministry with time sensitivity in integrating specific elements necessary for the specific needs of your ministry that are proven to be effective and easy to use. We care about your ministry and the many rapidly growing challenges you are faced with today as a ministry. We desire to be of assistance as you feel need in your ministry. Contact us today for a copy of this effective ministry tool kit provided for our clients at a discount, and which includes printed forms, DVDs, CDs, booklets, and a glossary of terms and concepts that provide a timely and effective track to work with. We also provide on site assistance and workshops with your staff in person, individually or as a group.

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