How you define retirement today is a critical element for your planning and journey toward it. The decision to defer the necessary planning for your future security today may be the neglectfully developed architecture of your own demise.  It has often been said, "you are as old as you think you are," or that "your attitude is the key element for a successful life journey."  These are more critical today then ever as people are living long and facing more stress.  The choices you make influenced by your definition of your retirement, will set in motion the terms you that will develop your retirement as you journey toward it.  The terms for your retirement and the type of retirement whether it be a full retirement or a partial as many desire today could be a critical factor in living longer and enjoying it more.

The good news, "A quality retirement plan does not necessitate a sensation of work but the management of it is critical, if it is to continue."  In fact the continuation of work according to many medical authorities today if done in moderation is the best for a healthy and enjoyable life in retirement and beyond.  

Your work can give purpose, enjoyment, and direction for your life when other things may not. The management of it as you retire is critical if it is to be a positive influence during this time of life. It is critical to find something you enjoy doing, however, doing some work even if not enjoyed is better than not doing any. For many it may mean doing the same work they do now but working toward moderation so that it fits their possible health constraints and possible enjoyment, keys to their attitude and overall retirement enjoyment and fulfillment. 

In other words, your work can offer its best results for your retirement years when it is not necessary for survival but is done for enjoyment and fulfillment, the critical keys to a healthier retirement.  Solomon the wisest of men stated that work is to be as presented above and can be your reward as you age in life, note Ecclesiastes 5: 12, 19.

 To review your plans and financial options call us today or email us for assisting you in defining your retirement and the development of its terms, if not you may be the architect of your own demise and misery.